It is supposed to be a holiday right?
Well today was MOVING day for Emily and her 4 friends. We helped. Man, those girls have alot of stuff!!! I couldn't believe it!
Then in the afternoon we moved David and Matt into an apartment in Fernwood area (an artsy cool area of Victoria!) Our little trailer was put to good use, as were our backs, and our shoulders and my feet are saying 'enough already'.
So this moving moving moving business put a new slant on the term 'labour day!"
Does it sound like I am complaining abit? I am. :-)
Here's to labouring on Labour Day! It was worth it though to be able to help the kids get settled. Just like labour is worth it in childbirth too. Well it wasn't that bad.. almost though!! :-)
I am babbling. I am so tired I can't think straight. So bed is calling.
Tomorrow we are heading down early to the passport office to see about getting my lost passport replaced. We are praying that we will be granted favour with whoever is dealing with our case (not too persnickity if you know what i mean!) and also that they will allow us to leave the next day and have one of the kids send our passport by fed ex to Florida.
Please pray.
I took pictures but my camera is in the car and I am too tired to go outside. That's pathetic eh? No that is real life sometimes. My feet is tired but my heart is happy to have been able to be here to see the kids get re-established in their new 'homes'.
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