Wednesday, September 24, 2008

We made it!!

Isn't it amazing how things can look great on paper but in reality sometimes they take on a life of their own?? Yesterday we had planned to go to the Fort Lauderdale airport and pick up a rental car then both drive to the shipping dock yard then take the rental car back to the airport in Miami .. get on the plane to Roatan. Simple huh? NOPE.

Firstly map quest failed us this time, and instead of actually finding the airport we drove to the middle of Miami, had to backtrack. Fortunately everything went smoothly at Hyne's shipping. The guy who was going to wait on us was just getting ready to leave for lunch but Bob begged *yes he did!) and the guy consented to processing our car and taking his lunch later. We drove back to the airport and Bob dropped me off with a mountain of luggage and was going to be 'right back.' Alright honey.. I will wait here (we couldn't check in because we both needed to be there) Well it was getting later and later and I thought .. should I try to maneuver this mountain of luggage, and carry ons and laptops over to the counter. Fortunately there was only one english speaking couple around and they were sitting behind me so I took a chance and left it with them.

I wish you could have seen the look on the airline agents face when I told her our dilemma. "Your plane is leaving in less then a half hour!!! Where is your husband???!" Ummm...taking back the rental car. She looked at me as if we had never travelled before.. which we have.. I just hoped that something terrible hadn't happened to him. Well this lady was a saint because she said, ok I will check you in (even though Bob had both passport on him.. you know.. he was going to be right back!) and then she sent all our luggage to the plane with further noticification as to whether we'd be on it or not. If we couldn't make the flight then she would get them to bring our luggage back and then we would pay an extra 100 dollars each and fly stand by the next day. Needless to say, I was sweating buckets and praying like crazy!!!

When Bob came running in 15 min before our plane was to leave I was overjoyed!!! The lady actually escorted us through security.. pays to be late I guess!!

As we were sitting at the very back of plane together I began to hear Bob's side of the story. He couldn't find the Thrifty rental car agency because it was under another name. Finally he asked (after 3 times of driving around) It turned out that the car rental was over 4 miles from the airport and he had to wait for a shuttle and also our airline is small.. TACA airlines is situated at J in the airport.. that meant ALOT of stops before his!!!

Big sigh.. we got on....!!!

Our friends Zenola and Marco came to greet us at the plane .. island time.. about 45 min. late but we were glad they finally arrived. They were kind to us and took us to get some groceries. It is a bit of a culture shock to shop in a spanish store because things are in spanish and alot of brands that I don't recognize. Oh they did have some american brands but you pay an arm and a leg for them. Plus they are in limpiras.. so for everything I had to do the math (which isnt my forte) I did okay until I got to the produce section. Those of you who know me well know that Bob and I eat a salad a day..sometimes 2 so when I saw the shrivelled little lettuce and the wrinkly veggies I almost cried. But He gives strength when we need it most.

One thing that is astounding is how helpful the locals are (if they speak english of course) Our taxi driver drove us to a store to buy a fan (man it is HOT HERE!!) and he even came in to translate for us. They he drove us to a store to buy cell phones and came in again. Then he proceeded to show us how to set up the phones and everything. He must have forgotten something because they aren't working. We will figure it all out. Little by little. This is a whole culteral shift for us. It will take time.

I am writing this from our neighbor's because our internet isn't working.. it can't be configured for us for some reason. Again.. such is island life. Pray for me in particular. I am menstral (sorry guys) and so the small things loom bigger for the next week or so.

We had a good time of prayer this morning sitting on the dock. Here is a beautiful thought... no matter where we go .. He remains the same. He is reachable. He is available. He is ultra helpful. He is. May that be the same for you too.

Tonight we are going to a birthday party. wheeee. We are excited about that.
Tomorrow we are going to Rudy's restaurant to use the highspeed there and I will post some photos. Can't do it here because Tony didn't want me to surf too long.

Love you all.. Thanks for your prayers. We pray for you too. We are far away across the globe but not in the realm of His Spirit.

Sorry for any spelling mistakes or grammar.. i am not going to check it. there isn't a fan in here and I am melting.. xox

1 comment:

  1. Oh Debi - as I was reading your account of the 'flying out of Florida' drama, I thought to myself, oh dear I wonder how Debi is doing. The impact of this lifestyle change will be trying unless you truely embrace it ... no lettuce, no phone, no internet and all the other things we so take for granted. Take each day slow and easy and try not to compare "at home" things with "island" things and the transition will go a lot smoother.
    I love you muchly
    xx Bonnie xx
