August 29 Blog
We drove out of Vernon under grey rainy skies. So thankful that Wayne and Shauna showed up this morning to help us load the trailer with the stuff for the kids and our stuff for Roatan. We found out that the trailer weighs 1400 lbs (didn’t think it was THAT heavy) so that allowed us to only pack 600 pounds of our stuff. We decided not to take the trailer to Florida but simply to take the kids stuff and leave our stuff (except for personal items in storage here) Life is full of changes. I am learning that trust is a condition of the heart, it is not circumstantial. Many people believe that God’s blessing is linked with everything going ‘our way’, but truly I believe that He is interested in a consistent state of trusting in Him to work out whatever comes across our path.
Emily put the trailer on Craig’s list in Victoria and we are trusting it will sell in good time OR they could rent out that trailer with all the students who are moving into apartments before school!
Here is a bit of Bob humour:
"Hey honey I found us a great hotel for our trip!" then stood there smiling outside the trailer!!
Yesterday I was talking to Naomi and mentioned that I was looking forward to a simpler life…well… this will be simple alright!!!
Oh yeah, and here is the latest thing we are going to need to believe that HE will work out: just as we were leaving we realized that my passport was not with the rest of Bob’s papers. Needless to say, that was a bit of a throwback for us!! YIKES!! We looked through all his files, my bags, purse, and I even called a few business where I had presented my passport. It was simply NOT TO BE FOUND!
Okay, so new trust level: we will be able to apply for a lost passport and get the process rolling on Tuesday morning. Okay…calling all ‘prayers’…!! Then we will see if it can be fed ex’ed to our friends in Florida. If not, then we will be lingering in Victoria… which is okay by me since that would mean more time with the kids.
Know what is remarkable?? I had such a deep sense of PEACE. We were able to let it go without blame or guilt. Amazing? Yes a miracle I’d say!
Leaving Vernon is not easy because we have connections there that run deep. Some of my goodbyes pulled so deeply on my heart strings that I couldn’t breathe. Tears flowed.
All that Bob and I can do is promise that distrance will not destroy the bonds so tenderly established.
On another note: Travelling music ~~
Bob and I like a variety of music but I find great on the road music is Ashley McIsaac’s first CD called “Close to the Floor” So there we were ‘step dancing’ our way over the Coquihalla Pass. Cape Breton music is so bright, and lively that it lifts my spirits.
One of my favorite songs on the CD is #10. Everytime I listened to that song in Dartmouth NS I would snap my fingers and say to our dog Sandy “You wanna dance ol’ girl?” Of course she did! She would jump up and away we’d go!!
The weather around Hope was torrential rain. It was quite the challenge for Bob to not hydro plane or for the trailer to fish tale. Thanks for praying…
wow...your story and my parents story (aside from the fact that they are living in Croatia now and possibly Mexico in the next years)could be the same. brings a tear to my eye, sort of reliving it for them again. I am sending your blog to my mother....i know she will like to read about your adventure and MAYBE look at Roatan as a possible living destination ;)
ReplyDeleteGod Bless my friend!!!