Wednesday, October 28, 2009

surgery today

Hi everyone...

Just writing to let you know that I am going in for surgery today at 5:00 pm. I have had alot of trouble with fibroids and after much thought have decided to have a hysterectomy here in Le Ceiba. Dr Raymond, our local island doctor has found an excellent gynecologist and I am thankful for his thorough ways, the testing he has done and the way he has gone out of his way to assure me. He kept saying... so what are your worries? It is interesting because in Canada doctors say do you have any concerns or questions whereas he called it what it was: a worry. He wants to do an epidural on me.. I'd say that would be my only 'worry'.

He has a private clinic here where both Bob and I will be staying for the next few days after my surgery. I will be taken good care of.

I have a peace about it for the most part. I know that He has gone before me, will be with me and will surround me. I do appreciate your prayers for wisdom for the surgeon. We know that my fibroids have grown considerably and I trust that there won't be any complications in getting all of them out. Pray that I will heal up quickly and that there won't be any risk of hemorraging.

Thanks for standing with me at this time.

I am in His capable hands.

this picture is in our hotel room... i thought there was an abstract sort of resemblance.


  1. Oh dear Debi - hate to tell ya this, but your nose appears to slipping off your face. Groan ... that's my feeble attempt at the abstract picture humor.
    I have a great sense of peace around this whole surgury. You will come thru this and think "why, oh why did I wait so long". Know that you are in my prayers always.
    love ya muchly
    xx Bonnie xx

  2. Thinking about you every day, Deb. Can't wait to hear the good news of your recovery.

    Much love
