Tuesday, October 20, 2009

hummer heaven

bob called me and said there were about 40 birds at the feeder. i couldn't believe it!!
he was right

These were taken at Michele's, the place we are housesitting. I am not sure why she gets so many birds.I know she has been feeding them for years. There weren't usually that many at the feeder during the day (maybe a dozen) but the last feed of the day usually draws alot of birds but I have never seen this many!!!

needless to say.. I was in heaven! So to speak.

Hummer heaven... :-)

Today Melissa came by for our weekly time together and I decided to take some photos of her by the feeder.

We were having a great time together taking photos of Michele when Bob hollered saying "Um Debi, you better close the door because there about a whole bunch of hummers in the screened deck!!" Oh NO! I had left the door open with an empty feeder on the counter inside and I guess they saw it and thought.. lunch!! It took us quite awhile to get all the hummers back out. We used pillows to try to shoo them down towards the door but even then they would fly back to the back of the deck. I managed to catch one and that was pretty exciting. The last hummer put up quite the fight. I felt awful because he was really frightened, breathing heavy and panting (yes they pant.. his little beak was open and he was breathing hard) We just couldn't get him to the door but I remembered that often in pet stores they will use a towel to catch a bird so when he was by the screen I put the towel up against it. Then Melissa held it in place until I was able to take the frightened little thing gently in my hand and release him into the great outdoors again!

We can add that to 'things we have now done" list!

You can check out more pictures on my facebook...I'd say they are some of the most amazing hummingbird photos I have

1 comment:

  1. Oh my word Debi how amazing!! What incredible experiences you are having!!
