Tuesday, October 20, 2009

strange things happen when the power goes out!!

Yesterday the power was out for most of the day. Not sure why... maybe the heavy rain had knocked some trees down or.. who knows? The place we are house sitting has a generator so we had back up power in the kitchen and the livingroom. Cooking and watching TV... not too shabby!

At supper time I got a call from our neighbor.
It went like this:

"Oh Debi, es Bob dere?"
"Yes he is here beside me"
"Oh that is not good at all. Dere is someone in your house. I can see a flash light in there!"
"Well could it be Marco?"
"No Marco with his Mother"
"Liliana, please call the police for us okay?"
"Okay, and I pray."
"Yes we will pray too"

I stood in the kitchen and my head began to spin: oh no...we were getting broken into on a night with no power!!! When I told Bob he said he was going over there to check it out. I didn't want him to go... what if they shot him?!!! I decided to stay here and he ran out the door into the dark night and the pouring rain!

The moment he left the generator began to die. I ran around the house looking for a flashlight. I found candles but no matches. I thought... oh my.. this isn't good at all. A funny thing happens during times like this: it's called unreasonable thought. I will share my "unreasonable thought" with you. I thought... "oh no, the power is going out and now I am going to get broken into here and Bob isn't here!!" Crazy I know but that was my very first thought.

I managed to find the BBQ lighter, lit some candles then I called Jeremy and asked for prayer. He asked what he could do. My first thought (selfish) is "you can come over here"... OR "you could go and make sure Bob is okay. Whatever you feel right about doing."

After I hung up I grabbed my Bible and read Psalm 91 OUTLOUD! :-) There is real power in His truth. If you haven't read that Psalm in a while then I recommend you read it. The one line that deeply ministered to me is "because he loves me, no harm will befall him" Okay I believed that for Bob. A peace came upon my shaky little soul. It is hard to explain but I knew everything would be okay.

I sat in the candle light with the dogs beside me praying. Melissa called and she prayed with me on the phone. So good to have support here!! Thanks guys!!! I had talked to Bob a couple of times. He was at the house in the car. Apparently the police had come before he got there but since no one was available to open up the house, they checked the grounds, didn't see any evidence of a break in and left.

Bob told me later that Jeremy, Melissa and the boys, came over to the house (bless their hearts!!!) They decided to go in and see what was going on. Bob went to go in and said to Jeremy "back me up Dano" and just as he did I called him (loud phone ringing...kinda wrong timing!!!) so Jeremy went in ahead making all sorts of noise. He is a big guy and I can imagine him hollering and stomping about!

As it turns out no one was in the house. It wasn't broken into at all. I think the light that Liliana saw was from a car going by on the road. When there isn't any power here things are pitch black and it is hard to tell.

Needless to say, when Bob called I was soooooooooo relieved with the news.
Within minutes of him arriving back at this house the power went back on. We were so glad that things turned out the way they did. We went to bed with very grateful hearts for this false alarm!

But hey please continue to pray for us. Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Debi thats a really scary moment!! I am SO glad that all was ok. Sorry you had to go through all of that but yet glad Psalm 91 was there and you felt that calm. xxx
