Sunday, October 18, 2009

a change of residence

No we aren't going far.. just about 15 minutes down the road to house sit for our friends who are going back to the states for a week.
Marco, our neighbor will be looking after this place while we are gone. It is a sad reality that it is rather unsafe to leave a house unattended on the island since it will likely get broken into. Some people have a 'watchie'. that is someone that they hire who watches their place while they are away. Once we left our place unattended and I was a little concerned but I love how the Lord assures us from the Word. I had read in Psalm 121 how the Lord never slumbers or sleeps but He WATCHES over you. So I trusted in the greatest WATCHIE of all and no one broke into our place.

the barbed wire fence around our place.. taken last night at sunset

On Friday night I taught Zenola how to make pizza. She was thrilled!! She kept saying "this ain't hard!" And it tasted great too! I had to laugh though because she said, "You can put anything on pizza can't you?" I said yes. Then she looked at me with great joy and said, "I could put hotdogs on it couldn't I??!" I almost died laughing. You have to understand that islanders love these little mini hotdogs that come in a can. I managed to simply say... "Oh yes Zenola you could put hotdogs on it if you want to!" Big grin! Heck, I might even try that next time.. um... not.

I want to share a beautiful way God took care of a matter that was upsetting me. It's quite remarkable and I have had an excited butterfly feeling in my stomach all night just thinking about it. As I mentioned we are housesitting and the lady asked if I wouldn't mind minding her store on cruise ship days. I have worked in retail many times so I didn't think it would be a problem. I went in on Wednesday and went home feeling really overwhelmed. It wasn't dealing with the cash that was the issue. It was needing to remember that independent tour guides get a free cookie/drink, other tour guides pay 15 Limpera for a drink, the boat driver's need to pay a dollar. Don't forget to check all 20's. I had to write down (by hand) the price, a description of what sold, the wrist band they were wearing. All was needed for her books. At one point there was such a long line up that it went half way around the store.

So.. I went home thinking.. how do I get myself into this stuff??! Plus my mind, doesn't seem to retain things as well as it used to and I kept forgetting everything. I began to dread saying yes. But I did pray that He would help me. He says He will never give us more then we
can bear so I was banking on that. Well yesterday Zenola told me that the Wednesday cruise ship was canceled!! As much as I hate to see people not have that business I was thrilled
beyond words because that meant I wouldn't be manning the store and having to deal with up to 15 tour buses coming through!! Then today Michele, who owns the store told me that she just found out that one of her friends who usually does the store for her arrived on the Island yesterday and she would be coming in on Friday to help me!!!!!

He takes care of the lilies of the field,
how much more will He take care of us!

Truly He doesn't give us more then we can bear!! I am so grateful! I think living on this island has spoiled me in the 'stress level department'. I have none. So when I have some my poor body goes into shock!!!

On a weather note, I am happy to say that today the rains began. Usually the rainy season starts around the end of Sept. so we need rain desperately. It was beautiful today to hear the sound of the rain and enjoy the coolness in the breezes that blew. I went out and planted some seeds in the garden knowing the rain will help them germinate.

look at those clouds!! i went out back to the beach last evening and got this photo!

the kids were happy to still swim in the rain!
this was taken from our deck.
you can't really tell but it was pouring out!

Today after church we are hoping to take a boat out to either St. Helene or Cayos Cachinos. I am looking forward to being out on the water. I will post pictures soon. I hope you have a wonderful Sunday!

*a post note: we didn't go out in the boat due to a nor'easter then blew in. it has been raining hard off and on throughout the day. the wind on our side of the island was really blowing hard but over in dixon cove it is pretty calm. the dogs have been fed, the cat came to say a shy hello, i am getting eaten alive by sand flies (they say that after awhile the sand flies in your yard get used to you and leave you alone but to these guys I am fresh meat. well you know what i mean!)



  1. My Sunday was none too shabby, thanks. Spent the afternoon at Amy and Borden's house, fixing things, of course. Doug and Rosemary started a 10 week course tonight on hearing God's voice, which looks promising. Spent some time at Tim's with Paul Tonen talking about buying a sailboat (always a treat) but the icing on the cake was coming home and reading your blog entry for today. Thanks so much for your faithfulness, Deb. I still miss you both intensely and your journal is a bit of a lifeline for me. Pray that we can come south this winter.
    Much love

  2. i am glad you enjoy it dave! at times i find it rather funny to be doing this since our life here is now 'normal' to us so just imagine you getting up in morning and writing about the everyday things you encounter. i have almost stopped doing it several times over the year because it is hard to keep it interesting. then one day I thought.. nah.. who cares if its boring!!!! :-) haha! made all the difference in the world.

    sounds like you had a great day. i bet the 'kids' are happy when you come over! and a sailboat.. woot woot.. that would be fantabulous!

    and you guys coming... oh big possible highlight for sure. except this: you might fall in love with it like us and never want to return...
