Monday, November 2, 2009

recovering slowly

a view from the ferry ride over from roatan to le ceiba

we stayed at the "gran hotel paris" until they were finished taking all sorts of bloodwork, tests, and even an ekg. then
dr. azcona and i post operaton
he is the BEST doctor.
thorough, caring, wise and humble.
He said "I am an instrument in His hands"

a nice policeman at the airport got me a wheelchair. i was grateful but boy i look OLD!

Well I have been home for 5 days getting stronger everyday. It isn't easy to recover because laying around is hard.. literally on my back. But I am doing my best to be a good girl. Bob has been a trooper in caring for me.. adjusting fans, bringing meds, helping me off the couch, bringing drinks, meals etc. I am thankful for several island women who have brought over dinner... that has been a great help. And Lissa went grocery shopping. And Zenola came over and cleaned my house from top to bottom. And..and.. and.... :-)

See I am blessed!!

Today at lunch I was feeling sad, apparently it is normal for post hysterectomy surgery to be hormonal from time to time. I was sitting on the deck finishing my lunch trying not to cry (since it hurts to cry!) when Bob, from inside, said "You have company!"
Out walked Ricardo holding the sweetest little bunny named Mika.

It was just the distraction I needed and soon all my tears were gone and I was ohhhing and ahhhing and smiling and... GRATEFUL.

Yes grateful for the way He keeps taking care of every need.

an excellent Christian doctor
a successful surgery
no hemorrhaging
a safe trip home
meals provided
cooler weather
kind visitors
medical care on the island
a loving helpful husband...

just to name a few.

I just need to be patient! It is a long road. And now I have been on the computer long enough (don't worry I have done this blog in over 4 different sittings since it hurts to sit for too long)

Time to hit the couch. Oh yeah that's another thing... we have been waiting for MONTHS and MONTHS to get our new couch and it arrived the day before my surgery. Perfect timing.

Thanks for your prayers.

I am the Lord that heals you.


  1. Phew!! So glad you're home and mending. I'd watch Bob - whenever he's that nice to me he usually wants something ;-)

    Much love

  2. oh he wants something alright but that will have to wait!! tee hee
