Tuesday, November 17, 2009

lessons from a hummer

as you know i have a hummingbird feeder on our deck. i usually get around 6 birds but there is one who comes and stays for most of the day. i put a branch near the feeder so i could watch them and photograph them. mr. fluffybutt (yes that is his name) comes and sits for long periods of time. you may say, 'how do i know it is him?' i can tell. he is comfortable with me. he doesn't stir when stand near him and like any pet you get to know them.

so this morning it was raining and there he was. sitting on the branch soaking wet. singing quietly. i went out with my camera. i stood about 6 feet away and greeted him. yes i do that. i say, 'good morning mr. fluffybutt. good morning little friend '

he stopped singing for a moment and just stared at me. then he began again. i slowly walked near him. he flew to the feeder and then back to the branch.

i said, 'my word, you are getting very wet'.
and i too was getting wet.
my camera was getting wet.

he is cold,
he is wet,
yet i can hear him sing
he keeps his head UP in the storm
his beak upturned.
the elements will not threaten his song.

so what is the lesson from mr. fluffybutt today:

don't let the storm stop your song.
keep singing no matter what.
keep your head up towards the heavens

Psalm 121


  1. When the storm comes, I sing, but the songs are much sadder, and I don't smile while I'm doing it.

  2. isn't the connection we have with animals so fulfilling? i especially connect with the birds too, so i really "feel" this beautiful shot of fluffybutt. beautiful.
