Thursday, November 12, 2009

simple things

like a walk in the yard .. slowly recovering and enjoying the beauty

like getting up close and personal with my hummers.. once again... and never tiring of it. (look at that butt.. made me laugh.. bob entitled this: cute as a BUTTon)

like the view from our deck.. even beautiful on a rainy day

like watching bob read while the power is out, and being content to lay there and look at him.

simple things. they well up inside me. for awhile i struggled with being thankful. really it was an awful time. i was kinda 'complainy' all the time. but now for reason, i am so grateful for the simple-est things.

even you.
yes you.

1 comment:

  1. I've just gone through a "complainy" time myself, so I know how you felt. It is the simple things in life that we can be so thankful for-like the fact that today is really warm (13!) for the middle of November.
