Tuesday, October 7, 2008

the flavor of the island

I thought I would post a variety of pictures to give you an idea of the people and the way they live. It is very different from home. At times the poverty, the smells or the noise is disturbing to me, but I have to say this: the people are so kind and gracious. I am learning alot from them, and the longer I am here it doesn't seem all that different.

Sorry these are blurry but they were taken from the taxi and as I said before those guys drive FAST!!!
One day we were driving to Hybur with Lisa and the traffic was completely stopped because of this huge crowd of people walking on the road. I am not sure what was going on: maybe a wedding or a funeral but no one seems to care. The people just walked slowly along, and the drivers just waited. No horn honking, no fist shaking.. just waiting. It is an incredible thing.. I love their patience! You can't really tell from this photo because I zoomed in but there were about 6 cars ahead of us!! :-)

This is a typical home in Sandy Bay: made of wood with a metal roof. This home is right on the beach beside other American style large homes... what a contrast!!

We went to the market today with Patti (who is from the mainland and speaks fluent Spanish!) and Ron. She was such a help in communicating prices etc. They have invited us for coconut shrimp tonight for supper so we drove them (wheee for having a car!!) to the market to get fresh shrimp. The guy who usually sells on the street wasn't there so Patti found out where he lived and we wandered through narrow muddy alley ways til we got to the guys house. She got the shrimp! That is one way to do it!!! :-)

Not only were the streets muddy but they were slippery too. I almost fell once! And you can't tell from this particular photo but in places there would be taxi weaving their way through, and lots of people walking.. very busy in the market place.

Apparently it is alot cheaper to buy from the market except that sometimes people charge alot more to gringos. I think it is worth it to try though and hopefully over time they will get to know us and not see us merely as tourists.

I think the thing that I find the hardest to deal with in Coxen Hole is the garbage strewn around everywhere!! It is disgusting truly. I sincerely thought the little kitty was lying dead on that piece of garbage but he was just sleeping on a dry piece of garbage.

I am not sure what this lady was carrying on her head but it was pretty impressive!!! I am hesitant to take pictures of strangers without asking so that is why I shot this as she was walking away.

Who does that remind you of?? Juan Valdez lives in Roatan... I think he lost his donkey though!! :-)

I have to admit I don't even recognize alot of the vegetables. It will take some time to know how to cook them but thankfully Patti is really helpful. She is such a blessing!!

I do know that those are plantains... they peel them, slice them diagonally and then fry them. They are really quite good.

This is a very common site: men sitting at little booths selling their wares.

And did you notice "Yvonne's shopping centre!" Wow Bob let's go to the Mall... :-)

Well that's it.. its time to head over to Patti and Ron's for dinner. They are the nicest couple! We are blessed to know them, and little by little we have been able to share our faith with them. Please pray for them. Thanks.

Blessings to you and Happy Thanksgiving! May your hearts be truly thankful. We sure are thankful for this opportunity to live amongst these people and share our lives and His love with them. It's amazing....


  1. Happy Thanksgiving Debi and Bob. We really do have a lot to be thankful for, everyday things we take for granted and assume will always be there, but when you see the poverty and conditions of other people's lives, we really must give thanks.
    love you both
    xx Bonnie xx
    p.s. I'll have an extra piece of pumpkin pie just for you.

  2. thanks Bonnie...just have a little extra of everything!! :-) Yesterday I had a headache and stomach ache and today I am still 'off'. I am taking it easy and really just resting. Patti says that headaches and stomach issues are common on the island -- barometric pressure and stomach bugs. I am thankful that this is the first time since we got here that I was sick.
