Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Fear not.. we are fine

We read today that Honduras is in a national state of emergency due to the heavy rains and flooding. There have been many deaths and it is in a crisis situation with people being stranded on top of their homes and serious mudslides.

We just wanted to let you know that we aren't facing that here on Roatan. Yes we are getting rain but it isn't too bad. There has been some flooding and problems in certain areas on the island but it isn't that bad.

Even as I write this now, the sun is shining. Just wanted you to know if case you were wondering.

See that was taken yesterday as Bobb was walking up the stairs to our place. The sun seems to come out in the afternoon! YAA!
We are fine. We are finer then fine. We are blessed.

Sending you our love and prayers. Trust all is well in your worlds as well.

Psalm 5:3

In the morning, O LORD, you hear my voice;
in the morning I lay my requests before you
and wait in expectation.

Keep anticipating what HE will do. Nothing is impossible with Him. His eye rests on His children and He takes such good care of us. Keep praying and believing.

Signs of Fall in the Caribbean.... :-)


  1. Hey Debi - are you climbing trees again?? Where were you when you took that pic of Bob - looks like you are way up in that tree...

    How long is this rainy season anyway? Based on that big washout in the sand, it really must come down fast and heavy. Hopefully the mold isn't bothering you yet, allergy wise.
    Take care of yourselves.
    lov ya
    xx Bonnie xx

  2. Hey Debi,

    I can't think of any snarky comments, just wanted you to know I am praying for you guys.

