Sorry for not writing in awhile but both Bob and I have been very busy lately. Well, Bob's been busier then I have working on finishing the souvenir shop before the rainy season starts. It has been so HOT that often he comes home with his tshirt literally sopping wet. The roof is on (hallelujah) and the windows are now in. We are having a door built so hopefully it won't take too long.. although we understand that this is Honduras and there really is such a thing as 'island time'
I have been volunteering at the clinic a few days a week and am really enjoying that. I have helped in triage inputting medical information into the computer. The only tricky part about that is a couple of the doctors only speak spanish so I had to type the symptoms in spanish but I am learning. The other day I helped out in pharmacy filling med orders. Now I know why pharmacists make so much money... it is hard work counting all those little pills!!! :-)
On Sunday, after church we went to Infinity Bay to meet up with friends and went for a great snorkel. Bob saw 3 turtles in the shallows. I didn't get to see them because I was busy socializing with our friends (surprise surprise!) but later we all went out together and saw a turtle (my favorite), a few queen angel fish, lots of parrot fish, and even saw a barracuda lurking around nearby. The water was really clear and even without my contacts (they are such a pain to get in!) I could see everything so clearly.
Bob (on left) and Marco getting ready to go out for a snorkel. I went out quite deep to get this shot.. I kept thinking 'don't trip!' since sea water and cameras don't mix! I am happy to say I made it back to shore with my baby (camera) safe in hand!
We finally got the cracks in the livingroom repaired from the earthquake we lived through months ago. Enrique was such a good worker and I had fun spoiling him by giving him fresh watermelon, fresh island plum juice and cookies. No wonder it took so long to finish the job...!! Just kidding he finished it in the time allotted. I had fun practicing my spanish on him.the watermelon is soooo sweet and refreshing!
We had a wonderful surprise a few weeks ago. We got an email from our friend Jeanne from Florida saying she and her new husband were coming to the island on a cruise and we enjoyed showing them around the island for the day. We had such a great day together!!
A note from the homefront: David had to quit his job at Starbucks due to severe back pain. He is looking for a job that won't be demanding on him physically. He is living in Montreal so sometimes it is hard to find work due to the language issue. Please pray about that for him. Thanks so much. Matt is also looking for work in Digby, N.S. It isn't as easy to find work as it used to be. He plans on going back to Dartmouth and attending NSCC taking music business in the new year. Emily is in her final year at University of Victoria and we pray for her health and for wisdom to learn and retain all she needs each day
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