Tuesday, September 15, 2009

looked who DROPPED by!

we were sitting in the livingroom watching a movie when i heard a sound.
it sounded like a lightbulb breaking.
like a 'smack'
i looked around and couldn't see any lights that had gone out.

after a bit bob decided to go to the fridge and get something to drink.
one the way, he stopped and said, 'is that a frog?!'

sure enough it was!
that was the 'smack'.
we figure he fell from the window in the left hand picture of the collage and the smack was the sound of
him hitting the floor.

it is a fortunate thing that as a child i was a serious frog catcher.
i don't mind touching them.
but boy could this guy JUMP!
i almost lost him several times!
i think he is a tree frog because where ever he jumped
that is where he stayed.

pretty impressive actually!
the wall, the fan, but finally i managed to get him into a strainer
and put a plate over top and put him outside!

you just never know who will DROP BY!!

i think he is rather cute!

1 comment:

  1. Now that's one serious frog - it made me giggle envisioning you trying to catch him, as he's jumping and sticking to things. Speaks to my twisted sense of humor. That's quite a long way down from that window, he's lucky he didn't break his little leggies.
    Thanks for the giggle...
    love ya
    xx Bonnie xx
