oh my.. .sometimes i get myself into the craziest situations. it comes from being friendly and open to strangers. last sunday i was talking to two american ladies on the beach at west bay and offered that if they ever wanted me to take them on a tour to see 'the island' then i would be open to it. they had been to roatan 3 times and hadn't seen much of the east side of the island. i found that remarkable.
so today i went over to infinity bay resort at 9:30 to take them out. it turned out that they had the use of a friend's car and wanted to go out to parrot tree to go snorkeling there and asked if i wanted to go. so much for an island tour but i decided that i would go.
it took us almost 2 hours to get everyone there ready and by 11:30 we were on the road heading east. i should have (the most famous words ever!!) had something to eat before we left but i didn't. big mistake. by the time we got to parrot tree i was incredibly shakey and i should have had something to eat there. i am hypoglycemic and i really shouldn't fool around with it but none of the others were hungry so i set out snorkeling.
none of us had ever been there. mistake #2: don't snorkel in uncommon waters without someone knowing the water. we ended up going through very very shallow water with coral only inches from us. the two girls made it through but i panicked and managed to get quite cut up on the coral when i put my hand down. it was awful. imagine swimming in water less then a foot deep and less then an inch coral below you.. it was scraping my stomach. i ended up standing up and the waves began to knock me around. i was afraid of falling on the coral so i carefully walked.. yes i know.. i shouldn't walk on the coral I went backwards til it was deep enough to snorkel to the shore.
i went back and sat in the lounge chair enjoying the shade and the breeze and thinking... okay debi lesson #485: know your reef before going out!!!
live and learn. i have to say it was beautiful out there. the view as you can see is outstanding and my time with the girls was very enjoyable!
but so much for my "island tour"... i realized tonight that truly bob and i are unique because we really are interested in the island and the islanders and think that others will be too. confirmed that we are meant to be here. our heart is here.
yup give me zenola's porch and a glass of fresh lemonade any day!! :-)
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