We have been without power for the last couple of days but not due to storms but due to another strike. They set up in front of Reico, the electric company and anyone who passed was in danger so therefore the workers were unable to get to work. They are protesting a high increase in their power bills. They set up roadblocks all around the island which meant we stayed pretty close to home.
Here is a quote from the internet describing the situation here:
"Residents of Roatan, the most popular of Honduras’ Bay Islands, are in an uproar over a significant increase in the price of electricity provided by the island’s utility company and have been demonstrating widely, blocking roads, including the roads to the airport, cruise ship port, downtown and other areas. Protesters set up road checkpoints and threatened at least one U.S. citizen with violence. The U.S. Embassy in Tegucigalpa advises Americans not to try to pass through roadblocks because violent incidents have occurred in the past."
We did go out Wednesday night to the Sonrise Church since they had this amazing trumpet player from the States visiting. We were able to avoid the roadblock by going on a little road on the beach for part of the way. It isn't really a road like we think of a road it is more like a wide path and I am happy that our little Versa was able to navigate it!! That Bob is such an awesome driver!!
We had a wonderful time but things got quite intense close to the church with the protester's throwing rocks at any car that passed nearby and threatened to break windshields. There was quite a rowdy gang out front. We decided it wouldn't be safe to go home on the road but instead we stayed at Miss Peggy's for the night. It was very LOUD all night. I barely slept a wink. I wasn't fearful, it was just TOO LOUD! They shouted, drummed, hollered and basically were in an uproar all night. I think they must have come in 'shifts' because it went on until 5:30 am when the police broke it up.
We were able to drive home without incident around 8:00 am and I have to say I was incredibly thankful to get back to our little quiet haven by the sea. So what do we do when the power is out and you can't go anywhere?? We read mostly. Go out on the dock, lay in the hammock and read or chat with whoever is on the dock. We find the dogs rather entertaining as they play together and harass the big land crabs. One fortunate thing is we have a gas stove so we can still cook. For light we use candles and hurricane lanterns. I hang the lamp over the cupboard door by the stove so I can see what I am cooking. We have bottled water to drink. In order to wash and flush we use water from the sistern which we gather in buckets and carry to the house. It is a lot of work but there isn't anything else to do so each task you just do. I don't have any pictures of the time with no power since my camera batteries died and well.. you can't recharge without electricity!! :-)
Patti and I went for a long walk on the beach. It was wonderful to get exercise. One thing we realized is because we don't have TV, people gathered together and exchange stories. We are all like 'little mini reporters' sharing any news that we have heard about the situation here. This strike was more intense then the others. They wouldn't let anyone pass and one local man was shot by trying to get through. Unfortunately he died. My heart ached that night while laying in bed (awake!) as I thought of his wife and family. Please join us in prayer that the issues would be resolved, that the violence would stop, and that peace would come again.
We believe the Lord has called us to the island. You have to take the good with the bad. We are trusting His LIGHT to come to many people's hearts and there will be more peace then strife. Thanks for standing with us.
Please don't worry about us. I don't share this to cause concern but to let you know to pray. We have peace. We do.
Even yesterday I believe God worked things out for us to avoid the possibility of someone stealing our kayaks. Bob had gone out for a paddle yesterday (I was too sleepy and opted for the couch and a book!) and then our friends from Coxen Hole came over and as we were coming in from the dock I showed the young boy our kayaks and asked if he'd like to go for a paddle one day. It was then that I noticed that the padlock wasn't there and the chains (yes we need to chain up our stuff or people will steal them!) I went inside to let Bob know that he forgot to put on the lock and he told me that he DID put it on. That meant that someone came by in the day and broke the lock, with the plan to come in the night (no power, no lights) and steal the kayaks. Fortunately we had a heavy duty lock and locked them up again. If someone came in the night we didn't hear them and the kayaks were there in the morning. I don't think it was a coincidence that I showed Jordie the boats. It was divine intervention once again.
We are safe in His hands. All we are and all we have belongs to Him. We start each day quietly before Him reading His word and prayer.(sorry about the blur.. i didn't quite make it in time for the timed exposure)
We are thankful for His watchful care over our lives!! And thanks for standing with us.. we appreciate your support and prayer too. Blessings xox
Hi there - I'm glad you are safe and sound. I went on line to see if I could find anything on the riot and as usual there are a lot of opinions, one being that someone is hiring people from the mainland to stir up the locals and they are the ones causing most of the trouble.
ReplyDeleteThose island dogs sure know how to entertain themselves don't they. You caught Panda in mid-snap. Reminds me of Hoover,that crazy dog we had. He went nuts over bees. He ruined so many of my flowers, by taking a flying leap right into the flower bed on his pursuit of bees. His mouth got stung quite a few times, but other than amounts of drool, it never stopped him. I sure miss that idiot he was so entertaining.
I'm glad you and Bob are well and hopefully there is a peaceful resolution to the island unrest.
love ya
xx Bonnie xx