Wednesday, October 27, 2010

fearless, and full of faith!

remember last week sometime when brandi and i went to see her friend who gave us a truckload of plants? well ever since that time i have wanted someone to come to our garden and give some ideas on how to make it look more like a garden instead of a jungle full of mishmash everywhere

yesterday, nabisha came over with her expertise and knowledge.  she was born and raised on the island and recently began to work as a landscaper.  now to be fair to carlos and myself, the place looks alot better then it did when we moved in a year ago but it still has a very wild and unpolished look to it.  now those of you who know me know that i usually like that style of gardening, more like an english garden type.  but in order for that type of garden to really work the beds need to be FULL! my garden has a few plants here and a few plants there.  i have worked hard to get carlos to plants in groups but still he loves to put one plant in and another one about a foot away and then another one a few feet away which gives it a rather scaggly look.

this was taken at lawson rock. i like it but i want more FLOWERS!

anyways, nabisha has some good ideas and we set carlos off to do some replanting.  one thing she mentioned was that the branches of the trees overhead could use a trimming in order to get better light.
so one time when i was up to get some water i noticed carlos up in the cashew tree, machete in hand just wacking away.   i decided to go outside and sit to watch this.  i find it incredible how they manage to climb so skillfully and easily up trees. in barefeet, of course!

do you think he got a little carried away??  hahaa.. anyways we will have more sunshine for the plants!
he kept saying.. mas sol!  (more sun)

the ascent begins

you can barely see him but he is there!

there he is leaning over to get the branches from a nearby tree

he wanted to get to the very end of that narrow branch and as he started to slow edge his way out i said carlos, cuidado!!  which in english mean be careful!  the last thing i wanted was for him to fall and i am not supposed to drive with this tendon tear.  so he looked at me, grinned and said, en el nombre de Dios!  which in english means 'in the name of God'   fearless!  full of faith!

i am going outside to take a photo of our new cashew sculpture.. no branches just a twisty trunk. oh well it will grow back and for now we will get a lot more sun in that bed below.  

there used to be a tree there.. as you can see from the photos above.  and as you can see there isn't much of anything growing there because it was too shady.  well no more!!

oh i wish my heel would hurry up and HEAL!  i would love to be out there transplanting and creating a new home for my plants.   i need patience.  yes i do.

please pray for this tendon to heal well and quickly (and of course for patience for me in the meantime) and pray that carlos will be safe as he works here.

have a great day!

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