Thursday, June 24, 2010

singing at the e learning centre

 the sky declared the glory of God

on tuesday bob and i were invited to sing at a concert at the sandy bay e-learning centre.  jeremy came along and played the jambe. it was a great night together with other musicians and believers.

we arrived at 6:00 (the start time) to see that no one was there.   when will we learn that there really is such a thing as island time which means it starts an hour or so later.  but it was great to go and watch the sunset together.

me and my love

we sat outside, with the moon shining on us, an occasional sea breeze blowing over us and enjoyed listening to others offer praise to the Lord.   it was a great night... a group from montana sang, we sang, a local islander sang, luma sang and a man played his trumpet.  a wonderful evening together!

this is yourgin who mc'ed and planned the evening.  thanks for putting this together!

only one microphone worked....
but it's okay because i sang to an audience of One anyways....

thanks for helping out jeremy!!!

this guy really could play!!
gave me goosebumps to listen to him!

i love the light from the sunset reflecting
inside that boat house.
if we could see with spiritual eyes
that is what His presence is like in us.

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