Wednesday, May 5, 2010

food distribution #2

We woke up yesterday morning to a very empty house.  Missing Emily so much. We are grateful to have had her here with us for so long but it hard to see them go.

  But one thing that helps with feeling of emptiness is to do something for someone else.  It was good for us to package up over 400 pounds of dry food for families here on the island.   We got at it early to avoid the heat.   We bagged up:  rice, beans, flour and sugar.   You should have seen the floor once we were done!!   I needed to sweep and mop!!!

We still needed a few more things so I decided to go to the little pulperia (store) down the road to get them there.  I prefer to give my business to small owners and I am getting to know the family that runs the store and I am sure they appreciate my business.  The funny part is that I needed eggs.  In most groceries stores it is no problem.. you just go to the dairy section and grab eggs.  I needed over 11 dozen eggs and all they had was flats, on the floor, near the back of the store.   So I asked if I could cut the flat boxes into 3 and put 10 eggs into each cut piece.   So there I was at the counter, cutting away.. too funny.   Fortunately Bob came and helped to put them neatly in little boxes.   I also bought powdered milk which is pretty expensive but I know it is a treat for the poor people to have milk.   Plus some more beans.. because well islanders LOVE their beans!!

We don't go into the colonia and just begin distributing randomly, we trust God to lead us to the ones who need it the most.  People who are destitute due to illness or no work or a death in the family.  This morning I said to Bob, I think we should give some food to Carlos (our gardener) and his dad.  Bob looked at me like I was crazy because they are working etc.  and have money to buy food.  I reminded him that Carlos sends all his money to his family on the coast and I am sure they would be blessed to have a little food.   So we packaged up a box for him.  Later when he arrived at the house he was so excited because his whole family was arriving on the island today!!   They have been separated for along time!  I believe the Lord prompted me to give to Carlos because, of course, He knew they would need extra food now that his family was on the island.  Isn't God great?  :-)

I am sorry I don't have pictures but we both forgot to take our camera yesterday!

But it was a great day all in all.  One good thing about living here is that we hear about situations that are dire and we can step in to help.   Our friend Dugard told us about a family in Mud Hole that is very poor.   We went to see them yesterday.  A sweet family!  The husband struggles to find work, and they have 4 children with another baby on the way any day now.   They were so grateful for what we brought.

We also went out to Hottest Sparrow and gave food to those people out there.  It is a long drive to get out there but they are often overlooked so it is good to help take care of them.

Many of you, have sent money to help with food for the families.   We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.   The people are blessed.    We package up enough food for about 2 weeks per family because we sensed the Lord saying 'give RELIEF!'  and one day's worth of food doesn't give relief but 2 weeks worth sure does!

Blessings to all of you!   xo

this was taken on our anniversary... 28 years together and going strong.
doesn't Bob look great in that hat??


  1. You guys look marvellous!! (imagine Billy Crystal) Bobby's got a little Hemingway thang goin' on there. Lovin' it!!!

  2. I love your stories...and now that I know some of the is really cool to hear about them.
