Saturday, February 21, 2009

wisdom from a local

Imagine this: you go to the grocery store, buy your groceries and when you come out someone has cleaned your car. A nice clean car! How sweet would that be?!?!

That happens here alot on the island.

I want to tell you about Alex. He is an islander who makes a living by washing cars in parking lots. I have spoken to him a number of times so when he saw me this afternoon he was quite excited.

I had been taking pictures in the lot before going into the store so when he saw me he was curious about what I had taken. I pointed to the sky and said, Alex look at that! It is a red letter day. A day to celebrate~ a wonderful day. Know why? He smiled and asked why. I said, "Because no matter what has happened in your day there is Someone who never changes and who loves you sooo much!"

I pointed to the flags and see... it is the banner of His love.
He laughed and said, You are right! I see the hearts!! God IS good!

I went into the store smiling and grateful for how friendly and open people are here. After shopping with Bob we came out to see our car all sparkly clean. All I had was 10 Limpira (which is about 50 cents) I thanked him for washing our car so well and told him I only had 10 Limp and he refused my money. I gave it to him anyways.

As we were driving away, he knocked on Bob's window and when we rolled down the window he said, "Remember this, there is more to life then making money!" I almost cried. It's true. It really is true.

There is more to life then making money!
He smiled so broadly and said, "It is important to make friends!"

So I pass the wisdom for a local on to you:

There is more to life then making money.
It is important to talk together with friends, to do kindness to strangers, to give and not expect anything back in return, to find satisfaction in serving instead of taking.

There is more to life then making money.
Amen Alex Amen!

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