My favorite by far is bananas!! Every few days Luis goes and cuts down a couple of big bunches of bananas and hangs them under the house. So when we want a banana I just walk down a stone walk way to the back of the house, walk under (it's on stilts) and grab a banana or two or three.
I walked around the property this morning with Marco and he was showing me quava trees, cashew trees and other fruit trees that I can't remember the names of. It truly is like paradise.
I love to garden so lately I am gathering different color hibiscus stems, putting them in water til they root and I am going to plant them around the property.
Yesterday we (ummm that is a loose translation.. it means Luis..not me!) cut down a big bunch of bananas and we took it a few doors down to an American couple.
In a couple of months the mangos will be ripe and apparently we have trees that grow some of the best on the island. The only drawback is many people sneak on the property and steal them.
That is a problem here. I don't mind petty things like fruit being taken but there is also alot of break-ins and thievery here on the island. We are going away tomorrow to dog sit for a couple who are going to the States. That will mean that this place will be empty for a week. That is not good. Many people hire a local person to watch the place. They call them 'watchies' (how original!!) I am thinking I will look to Someone greater and more powerful to watch our place. Asking Him to set up angels all around to keep it safe. You can pray about that if you like. I'd appreciate it. Once Amy comes we may let the girls stay at the house for weekend so they can have some alone time here. It will be fun for them.
Anyways it is just one of the things we have to face living here. I am not afraid though. I will trust in the One who never slumbers or sleeps.
I am going to eat a banana... want one? :-)
you lucky little island girl you
ReplyDeleteI can't even imagine having such a yard - not just beautiful, but bountiful as well. Avocado tree?
p.s. I love the picture of your yard - could you send more...please.
ReplyDeleteMiss you both!
ReplyDeleteJealous of your garden and the sunshine.
Tooooooooooo much winter here.