Saturday, May 4, 2013

Seeing as He sees

I find it interesting how it is possible to drive by something and never notice it.
Take this tree for example:  I have never seen that until last week!! 
That is a BIG I could I miss it?
It just around the corner from us and I have walked by it many many times and driven by countless times, and it wasn't until I was walking there with Bob that he pointed it out to me.

What is it about us that makes miss the obvious??  Familiarity maybe or just untrained eyes?  I don't know.

But I was impressed with this tree that I went back to take a sunset photo of it.
Now I admit it isn't the best photo since I waited too late  and the light wasn't good.   

Yeah, so I was standing on the side of the road trying to get a good shot of this tree when a young lady walked up to me and said, "Do you know anyone who wants to adopt a baby?"
I was thinking, "what did she just say???!!"
I said, No why?
And she proceeded to tell me that she is a single mom who wants to give up her girl for adoption.  I looked over and saw the most beautiful, vivacious 4 year old fidgeting and what not and I asked, "This girl??"
She said yes.
I was shocked.
But why?

She proceeded to tell me that she couldn't manage to take care of her (although she looked pretty well taken care of, nice clothes, fed well).  She didn't have any family except an elderly grandmother and an uncle.  Her mom was in the states and didn't want her.   It was at this point that I felt tears welling up in my eyes.  I actually couldn't believe we were having this conversation.   And having it in front of the little girl!!

I proceeded to tell her that Honduras was one of the hardest places in the world to have adopt kids.  Apparently it has one of the lowest adoption rates in the world!   

Here is the sad part:  I know if I would have said, "give me that girl, she would have"
But when I told her how hard it was it was to adopt she just walked away.

I can't stop thinking about her.  I wish I had her phone number so I could at least encourage her, support her, teach me.  Something.

The thing is:  I have seen poverty and I have seen deep discouragement and this young lady didn't show evidence of either.  I think she just saw me, a gringa, and thought.. hey maybe she knows somebody who will take my kid off my hands.

How does life become so devalued??  Sigh
I asked about the Dad  and he wanted nothing to do with them since he is a married man.
Tough tough stuff.
I know so many girls get pregnant on this island, and their families end up taking care of the kids for them.

I think she thought I would simply just 'solve it'
Well I am more interested in long term help: with mentoring and teaching.

I am praying that He will reconnect us again so that process can continue.

Getting back to the tree... that tree was so part of the fabric of my life that I didn't SEE it
And I think that is a danger for us on alot of levels. We stop seeing things around us.  Life can become so common place that our husbands become headaches and our kids become problems and our faith become cold.

  Like this young mom no longer SEEING  her daughter!

Oh God help us all to see, truly see
to truly love,
to get help when we need it,
to value what You value.

You are precious in my sight
and I love you 
Isa. 43:a

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