Thursday, September 30, 2010

why i need to learn spanish

i didn't know any spanish before coming to roatan except hola (for your non spanish speakers that is hello and is pronounced ola)

but over the past couple years i have learned a great deal of words. i am proud to say that my comprehension of the language has greatly improved and i am able to carry on simple conversations.  mind you, i speak like jane from tarzan.   'me go store, you come too?'

the other day, carlos, our gardener had a severe migraine with aura (flashes of light in his eyes) and vomiting. everytime he bent over i could see he was in a lot of pain.  he didn't want to miss work but bob felt he should see a doctor so i took him to clinic esparanza to see if they could give him some migraine medication.
carlos works so hard and seldom takes time off work
  he was seen by a young med student from the states  named abe who spoke fluent spanish and was even kind enough to get him a baseball cap.   we were sitting outside waiting for the nurse to bring his meds when dr. raymond came outside.  he is the local doctor and a wonderful man who serves here so faithfully and tirelessly.

i told him that carlos has had headaches since he was 8 years old (for 9 years now) and i was wondering if there was anything more we could do for him.   he decided to run a full cbc (bloodwork) and also check for anemia.  they were chatting away.   i was listening because that is how i learn spanish.  i heard dr. raymond ask if he had a lot of pain and carlos hesitated and then said no mucho dolor (which means not alot of pain)  i jumped in and said.. carlos.. si usted tenge que mucho dolor!!  (carlos, yes you have a lot of pain!)

suddenly both dr. raymond and carlos both stared at me in disbelief and shock.  then dr. raymond said,
'um, debi i asked him if he had pain while urinating!' 
and he looked at me as if to say:  how would YOU know!!

i almost died on the spot.  i said, oh my, i thought you were referring to his headaches.  how embarrassing.  they both found it quite funny which now in hindsight it is rather humorous.

see.. just goes to show i need to learn more words.. like urinating!!

OR i need to stay out of other people's business.

poor carlos  has been suffering for the past couple of days and even with the medication still has headaches and nausea.  it could be sinus infection or  perhaps it is a flu.

either way, i would really appreciate if you would pray for carlos.  thanks so much!
and pray for me that i will learn more spanish.. and quick!!  :-)


  1. Oh Debi, how I can relate!! SO have to laugh. Just when we think we know something we find out we really don't, ha ha. Sounds like you are doing good with your spanish though, living here we get a little more here and there

  2. Oh my goodness. I love the humor in this, but how embarrassing for sure! Yes, we'll pray for Carlos..and for you!!

  3. I ONLY see the HUMOUR in this and likely, would've fallen off my chair guffawing at my faux pas ... well, trying not to be too loud guffawing knowing it could exacerbate Carlos's headache. Way to go Dr. Raymond for not collapsing in too. Too funny!

  4. I've got Rosetta Stone on order - we'll share.... but, I don't know if Levels 1,2 and 3 cover the kinds of situations you run in to. Oh my.... Poor Carlos. Keep on this, Debi. The Spanish too....

  5. That is tooo funny debi

  6. oh Debi, its funny now I'm sure!! I'll be praying :)
