What would you do if you woke up one morning and the Lord asked you to do something really different? Like carry a large cross through a busy area of your town? would you do it?
would it be too embarrassing?
Bob awoke on Good Friday morning and sensed the Lord wanted him to make a cross and walk through West End. That is one of the most tourist populated, party areas on the island.
So what did he do?
He went.
the walk down to the end of west end and back was long and hot, but it was nothing compared to what He went through for us.
It was Bob, me and Jesus walking through that dusty road and along the beach.
It was interesting to see people's reactions to the cross. I am sad to say that not one North American smiled or greeted us. They all looked away ackwardly. But the mainlanders that were visiting the island really responded to us. Especially the elderly. Many removed their hats in respect, they shook our hands. They pointed to heaven and smiled. They got the message of the cross. They received our blessing as we said, Dios te bendiga. (God bless you)
It really made me realize this: God knows cultures!! He knows how to reach deep into their souls. The spanish culture is used to processions, they are familiar with people walking through streets carrying a cross. We have never done this before! But it was suitable here.
Even as we walked by pubs one guy called out, "Respect man!" and gave us a thumb's up.
to many people the easter weekend is a time for partying and excessive drinking. cocktails at noon perhaps?
I had some wonderful conversations with people. Some people were really touched. One man almost cried and asked me to pray for him. I have and I will.
But there were people who sneered at us, who swore at us, who mocked us.
Was it worth it though?
Yes it was.
We served as a reminder that His death is still relevant. The cross is the way to the Father and His death means life for us!
It was the highlight of all my Good Friday's to date!
I am thankful I married a man who listens to his Lord.
It is good to follow His ways.
May you be blessed as you listen to Him and walk near Him.
These women ahead of Bob were really touched by what he did and they took his photo and thanked him for the reminder.
This Easter morning we awoke early as the sky was still a blush of color and went on the beach to have a sunrise service. It was such a blessing to listen to Bob read the story of His resurrection and to express our deep gratitude in prayer!
He is risen, He is risen indeed!
blessings to you and Bob
xx Bonnie xx
Loved this. Wish we could have hooked up with you. Would have loved to walk along side you all, carry it too. Love you.