Monday, April 6, 2009

saying farewell isn't really fair at all

On Thursday evening, we planned a farewell for Lindsay. It was a very hot day and no breeze. I thought I would die prior to people arriving because it was so hot it was unbearable. This place we are living is nice but it gets like a cook oven in the afternoon, and when they isn't a breeze it stays like that. If we look a little 'glossy' in the pictures it is a nice way of saying we were all sweating profusely! Such is life on the island sometimes!!

this is Jordie giving his gift to her. people are so kind and giving here!

We all knew this day would arrive when we'd have to say goodbye to Lindsay and let her go. Some people come to this island, stay awhile, we take them to the airport and that's that. But there are others, like Lindsay who embrace the island, who love the people, who manage the language (both spanish and island speak) who enjoy the pace and the culture and fit right in. While working at the clinic she soon showed herself as more then capable to not only help but also to have great leadership capacities. I know that she will be sorely missed there. Peggy said she is like having 3 nurses in one. That is good to a point but it often meant she was more exhausted then most.

But here is the remarkable thing about Lindsay.. she rarely complained. It is a gift to give and keep on giving. I know she will be blessed for doing that.

i took this picture after spending the afternoon at west bay, snorkeling, laying on the beach reading, visiting and watching the most awesome sun set! We had some great times together

Here are some pics of our evening together. We had some island friends, some neighbors, some doctors and nurses from the clinic and some snorkling/swimming friends!! :-)It was a full house!!! It was a good time to be had by all.

I want to make special mention of Tyson, the guy in the green shirt. He came in, and began cutting up fruit for us.. watermelon, cantaloupe, pineapple.. he really pitched in and was a blessing to me!! Thanks for your help Tyson!!

One of my favorite parts of the whole evening was while we were visiting out on the deck. It was cooler there! Lindsay was talking to Luis. Marco and Zenola and I said... hey let me get a picture of you altogether and suddenly Luis stuck his hat on Lindsay, she went all ghetto on us, and Marco plopped a shell on her head!! My word I almost died laughing!

Islanders have such a great sense of humour as you can see here!!

We had alot of fun that night. Lindsay said it was one of the best parties ever! We ate, we told stories, we laughed, we played with the kids, we said sad goodbyes and we prayed that the Father above would keep Lindsay strong and sometime perhaps bring her back to the island.

We miss you Lindsay. I will miss our chats on the deck, walking together to the clinic, the sound of your 'hola' as you come in the door, hearing about your adventures scuba diving, watching the sunset again and again, eating meals together, laughing about the funny things in our days, and basically sharing life together!

Thanks for being the best houseguest anyone could ask for! xo
Remember: Phil. 2:4

some special kids in lindsay's world.. rebecca, edwardo, katie, and ricardo (up top)

the whole gang says goodbye we will miss you!

1 comment:

  1. great pictures Debi - sounds like Lindsay's going to be greatly missed
