Sunday, April 10, 2011

comings and goings

the last night for the finnemores
One of the most bittersweet things about Roatan is that the people who come eventually go.  This past few months I have been thinking about the people who have come and gone:  since February we have had  20 people here!!  We appreciate their help and support.  Some stayed for months serving in the community medically, some helped to build homes, some taught in schools, some helped out in the shop, some helped with worship, some met with us weekly for prayer, some provided to the needy, some took us out for meals, some made us laugh, some came for the day on a cruise ship, some embraced the culture and left their mark of love on the hearts of people here.

from the bottom of our hearts we say THANKS!

Lord bless you: 
Paul and Kathryne, 
Emily G., David, 
Dusty and Mel, 
Bev and Jake and friends, 
Ruth and Liard and friends
Eric and Heidi,
Diana, Deidre, and Derek

We hope that you will continue to pray for the people on this island and believe that He can do great and mighty things!

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